Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ism #2

OK let's get it out are difficult, frustrating, nerve bending...put whatever adjective on it you want. It's amazing how quickly children pick up on this frustration, especially if they aren't on the receiving end of your anger.

Evidently, he'd spent the better part of the weekend hearing Aidan and I go at it, culminating in my final words on the matter, "Aidan, I'm tired of your crap." Yes, I know, parents should be more circumspect.

Aidan's favorite pastime is bothering Asa. He picks and picks and picks until Asa can't take it. Usually Asa resorts to violence, and we've warned Aidan time and again that we're not going to do anything about Asa kicking his butt when he's been warned to leave him alone.

I call home on one of my class days to check in with Sean and talk to the boys. Sean tells me that Asa got in trouble. Yeah, I can't imagine. He's such an angel. Apparently that evening as Sean picked the boys up from school, Aidan started in early on his favorite activity. Asa reached the end of his rope sooner than usual and, instead of resorting to violence (which is hard when you're strapped in a car seat), yelled "Look Aidan, I'm tired of your crap!"

I can't imagine where he got that from :)

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